The Original
International expert in DETOXpheresis®, tailor-made DETOX programmes, longevity, holistic medicine, orthomolecular medicine, aesthetic medicine, anaesthesiology, intensive care medicine, emergency medicine.
The epitome of internal and external rejuvenation of the entire body.
In this age of severely increasing toxic stress, relief and detoxification have become the basis of every therapy. As a global pioneer of internal and external rejuvenation of the entire body, we offer DETOXpheresis® as an innovative treatment method exclusively for you as part of our holistic and unique therapy concept.
We look forward to welcoming you personally in a stylish and warm atmosphere at the DETOXpheresis® Swiss Medical Excellence Center in Uttwil on Lake Constance. Our clinic lets you concentrate exclusively on your health in an exceptional atmosphere of well-being. Our mission is to restore the body’s natural regulatory capacity and functionality. DETOXpheresis® is essential in this process and we can no longer imagine precision medicine without it.
DETOXpheresis® is a procedure in which pesticides, solvents, toxic light and heavy metals, toxins, circulating immune complexes (CIC) from infections (bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi) and much more can be removed from the body by blood washing and thus offers one of the most effective possibilities for pollutant liberation or detoxification in environmental medicine.
DETOXpheresis® is a therapeutic apheresis. There are various procedures, such as the unique DETOXpheresis® from Dr. med. Sascha Dörrmann or Toxopheresis®.
At the DETOXpheresis® Swiss Medical Excellence Center on Lake Constance, you are given the unique luxury of being closely monitored and guided through DETOXpheresis® with the highest level of safety in the constant presence of a specialist doctor. No treatments are delegated to assistants or specialist nursing staff at the DETOXpheresis® Swiss Medical Excellence Center in Uttwil on Lake Constance!
DETOXpheresis® Swiss Medical Excellence Center
Döllistr. 14
CH – 8592 Uttwil
0041 71 460 2888
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